June 14, 2010

Tunnels - by Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams

Deep below our feet lie miles and miles of tunnels, just waiting to be explored.  And within those tunnels live a civilization of people just waiting to be discovered.  Be careful though, because they will do ANYTHING to avoid being found.  At least this is what the authors suggest as our young hero Will and his friend Chester set off to find Will's dad, who has mysteriously disappeared.

The book has a slow start, but once you follow our heroes into the depths of the earth, the adventure hits, and the book suddenly becomes impossible to set down.  It's a gripping tale about brave boys, villainous girls (heh heh) and the kind of trouble you can get into if you're brave enough to do the right thing in tough times.

Some have suggested that this is "The next Harry Potter!"  I wouldn't go that far, but it was an excellent book.

1 comment:

Momo said...

I enjoyed this one too Mr K. Do you agree there seem to be quite a few books set under the ground - well I seem to be reading a lot of books set under the ground lately? Not so good for people like me with serious claustrophobia. I would recommend City of Ember and Gregor the overlander for people who enjoyed Tunnels. We have the sequel to Tunnels in our library but it is still on my 'to read list'.

Thanks again for your terrific blog.