October 24, 2010

Herbert's Wormhole - by Peter Nelson and Rao Rohitash

You're ten years old, you're awesome, and your name is Alex.  What happens when your parents build you a fancy jungle gym in the backyard, kick you off your video game system for the rest of the summer, and arrange a playdate with your nerdy inventor neighbor kid, Herbert?  Your summer gets a lot more interesting, is what!

Imagine zooming through a wormhole, a gap in the space/time continuum that allows you to travel through time (think 100 years in the future) to the exact same place.  Suddenly your boring town is not so boring after all, as it's been taken over by friendly tentacled aliens with Australian accents and ridiculous wigs.  Now imagine yourself playing a gravity-free T-ball game in front of record crowds, and finding a way to outsmart a nasty alien janitor and save your future town from his diabolical plans.  You're a hero, but you're just visiting.

This is an inventive, interesting, graphic novel (more novel than comic, though the comics are great and help tell the story), perfect for 8-10 year olds especially those who love science, video games, and ugly aliens with accents.  Oh, it's also a good book for people who like seeing girls save the day when the boys are wandering around in their underwear eating popcorn!  Don't ask, just read.

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